Scoping Process
When Editing Your File I Will:
- Correct misspellings, transposed words, punctuation, and grammar errors.
- Define mistranslates and unstranslates through reading steno, listening to audio, context clues, and research.
- Add conflicts or flag any indeterminate areas and may contact the reporter for clarification.
- Adjust any formatting inconsistitencies.
- Conduct research and double-check spellings of names, places, and professional terminology.
- Insert include files as needed.
How it Works
Submit your .sgngl files, an examplary file, include files, and completed preference sheet securely through dropbox or sendthisfile. (If a job needs to be completed in 24 hours please send a text or phone call.)
You receive acknowledgement of receipt and deadline.
A trained eye reads through every word of your transcript editing it for accuracy and consistancy according to your preferences.
You receive your transcript scoped to perfection.
Track Your Transcripts
Always be aware of the status of your transcript. Send an email or text, and you will be updated with the number of pages that have been completed. If requested, you may also be provided with the completed pages before the final transcript is due.